Sunday 7 April 2013

Books to inspire: 1. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

The thought that a book can change your life, seems to many ridiculous and hyperbolized. But to a true reader books and poetry can have a huge influence on their own lives. A good book will make you think, fall in love, bond with characters and a truly good book will change the way you think forever. As a big reader myself, the books I have read have made a major impact on my life and cultivated my interests, opinions and dreams.  These will be a series of posts highlighting a few of the books that have changed me, and which I recommend to all.


     Anna Karenina

“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

The ultimate story of love, class and inevitable tragedy is one way to describe Tolstoy’s masterpiece ‘Anna Karenina’. The classic novel has enthralled generations with the tale of a heroines downfall after tragic affair, showing the true love between Anna Karenina and the dashing Count Vronsky. Our Heroine Anna begins unhappily married to the powerful but dull Karenin, before she begins a torrid and exhilarating affair with Vronsky which leads to her ultimate demise.

Anna Karenina is however not just a novel based on love, but instead a novel exploring society, lust and the true meaning of respect.

This masterpiece is not only one of the best written novels of all time, but a story that respects true human emotions. The rollercoaster experienced by Anna can be reflected in society, and was one of the reasons I felt so drawn to her. Anna is a character who we can all see a bit of ourselves in. Whether her wish to feel popular and loved within her society, her inner turmoil’s of which she hides from the world or her choice of true love above everything else. I personally connected with her pain, her struggle with the endless choice between responsibility and personal desire. I empathised with her difficulties and in a way began to fall so in love with her character that I myself understood and respected her choices. Anna is a character so well constructed that I see her as not only as a fantastic character but a realistic heroine whose flaws only contribute to her magic.

This novel is not only a tale of love but of the Russian aristocracy of the time, particularly told through the plights and successes of Levin. As an aristocrat who has direct interaction with the peasants, in Levin we see an honest and genuine view of society’s troubles. Levin gives us a view of Russia from an unbiased and true perspective. Levin not only shows the political struggles  but gives us a character to truly root for. The Russian society brought me even more under Tolstoy’s spell as it was a place, a time of which I knew little about. The aristocrats caught my eye with mentions of great privilege, fashion of the time and the social hierarchy which can be reflected in almost every person’s life. In the description I saw a period of history of which I wished to learn more, and was deeply inspired by. Russian society gave me new influences in art, fashion and taught me a lesson itself. I find myself months later inspired and captivated by this society; a society which I wish to learn much more about.

The most important reason why ‘Anna Karenina’ helped change my life is the story itself. Many novels depict love as a perfect ideal which has no wrongs and can hurt no-one. Tolstoy does not give into this façade and instead shows an honest view of love. His love is not perfect and instead shows love as a force which gives a person both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Love in reality is crazy and can end in tragedy like for Anna and Vronsky, but Tolstoy and our dear Anna teaches us as a reader, that even if love goes wrong it is better to have experienced true love than never at all.

if anyone is reading/has read this i would love some feedback to help
me improve my writing and to see how people respond!

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